
Implantable Contact Lens 

Mr Darcy is a certified provider of the STAAR Vision EVO ICL.

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 What is an implantable contact lens?

Implantable contact lenses are specialist lenses inserted into the eye during a short surgical procedure. They reduce your dependence upon glasses or contact lenses by inserting the power of those into your eye. These lenses offer a great quality of vision and are the treatment of choice for many. They can correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Mr Darcy is a certified provider of the Staar Visian EVO ICL.

Why choose Vision Care Clinic, Bristol?

  • Consultant delivered care - Mr Darcy will be with you for the entire journey. Your eyes are precious and deserve an expert at every stage of the process.

  • No hidden costs - we are completely transparent about costs

  • Laser enhancement included and provided in house - Around 5% of patients may require a ’tweak’ to their final outcome to optimise their result. This is provided in house at no additional cost, by Mr Darcy.

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Why choose an implantable contact lens?

Excellent quality of vision

ICLs provide a better quality of vision than glasses and even contact lenses because they are inside the eye and closer to an important area called the nodal point, where light rays cross.



Implantable contact lenses are supplementary lenses introduced into the eye to correct your vision. There is no tissue removal during the process. They are designed to stay in the eye for decades safely. If you develop cataracts, a key benefit is that the ICL is removable.


Correct high glasses prescriptions

Implantable contact lenses are able to correct very high glasses and contact lens prescriptions including many who are unsuitable for laser eye surgery.


Who is suitable for an implantable contact lens?

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Implantable contact lenses can be used to correct a a wide range of glasses and contact lens prescriptions. They are especially useful in people who are not suitable for laser eye surgery due to the presence of dry eye, high prescriptions, irregular or thin corneas.

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Visian ICL offers permanent vision correction offering a quality of vision often sharper than glasses or contact lenses. Unlike laser eye surgery the procedure is also reversible usually returning you back to your original prescription and vision.

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With over 20 years of experience the Visian ICL has been implanted in over 1,000,000 eyes worldwide. The 100% biocompatible collagen copolymer also provides UV protection. Implantable contact lenses can be used in abnormally shaped corneas including people with keratoconus or those who have had corneal transplants.

Myopia (short-sighted)

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Light rays fall short of the retina due to the eye being too powerful. Implantable contact lenses can treat up to -20 dioptres of short-sightedness.

Hyperopia (long-sighted)


Light rays fall behind the retina due to the eye being underpowered. Implantable contact lenses can treat up to +10 dioptres of long-sightedness.


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Astigmatism - Two points of focus are created. These can fall infront of or behind the retina or a combination of the two. Implantable contact lenses can treat up to 6 dioptres of astigmatism.

Implantable contact lens

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An implantable contact lens correcting the power of the eye enabling the light rays to be sharply focused on the retina.

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What does the surgery involve?

The surgery is speedy, lasting between 20-30 minutes for both eyes. During the procedure, you are asked to lie on a bed. All you will feel is the gentle touch of the surgeon's hands around your forehead. Topical drops anaesthetise the eye - that's right, no needles! It is entirely painless. The lens is inserted through a tiny keyhole opening that self-seals.

How quickly will my vision recover?

The vision recovers very quickly, usually within the first day or two.

How much does ICL surgery cost?

ICL surgery is not normally covered by private medical insurance. Mr Darcy provides ICL surgery at the Vision Care Clinic. The cost is £3850 per eye. This fee includes the hospital admission, surgeon fee, the surgical procedure, your post-operative drops and medications given on the day of surgery and the cost of any laser enhancement that may occasionally be required after the procedure.

What is the usual follow-up after the ICL procedure?

Following the surgery you will need to attend for follow-ups, typically day 1, week 1, week 6, month 3, and month 6. Beyond this you will also require annual follow-ups to check the health of your eyes. This should include spectral microscopy, where the inside cells lining the cornea are analysed. There will be an additional charge for these annual visits.

Is everybody suitable for an ICL?

Your prescription should have been stable for a minimum of 12 months before undergoing the surgery. ICL surgery is not suitable during pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. The Visian EVO ICL is inserted in the front chamber of the eye. This needs to be deep enough to ensure there there is room for the lens. When being assessed we will take a number of highly accurate measurements to ensure your suitability.

How quickly can I return to sport and normal activities?

An implantable contact lens is inserted into the eye during a short procedure lasting 20-30 minutes. An major advantage is that this heals very quickly, with the visual tranformation almost immediate. This means you can return to exercise and swimming within a few days. Depending upon your job you are likely to be able to return more quickly than this. We will provide you more specific personalised information before your surgery.

Can implantable contact lenses treat presbyopia?

Yes! This can be achieved in two ways. 1. Utilising blended monovision with one eye set for distance and the other for reading. 2. A new extended depth of vision version of the Staar EVO Viva™ ICL is being released in early 2024.